#flame #tonight #allofme

Dear Father in the name, of Your holy Son
I desire like Jesus, prayed for us to be one
I desire to give, I desire to serve
I desire to love, others with more than my words
Bless me to be humble, bless me to be meek

I want to be a joy when people come around me
Give me a gentle spirit, bless me to be content
Please keep me from my sin, let me quickly repent
Please give me discipline, give me self-control
To know when to stop, and when to say no

Make me a bold witness, please remove fear
Replace it with faith, pour out Your spirit here
Fill me up Lord, let me overflow
Let me overdose, make me holy, keep me close
I want to give it all until there’s none left
But I can’t be too giving, look at Your Son’s death, Amen

By Tabbs

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