people talking

If you want to make friends more quickly, you should strive to attract people and be a people magnet. Many socially skilled individuals are natural at this, and now you can be one of them.

You’ll need to change a few of your routines and personality traits if you want to attract others. This will make you more desirable to others, making them want to be around you or feel comfortable being around you.

Although it may take some time and conscious effort, the results you’ll get in the end will be well worth it. Having stated that here are some actions you should take to become a people magnet and draw others to you.

What is the scene before you make the scene

you have the skills necessary to get you started on the right foot with any new person. Think of yourself in these moments like a rocket taking off. A mistake in the millionth of a degree at the beginning means missing the moon by thousands of miles. Likewise, a tiny body-language blooper at the outset of a relationship may mean you will never make a hit with that person. But with a flooding smile, sticky eyes, and epoxy eyes you will heat it off.

Always wear a Whatzit

Whenever you go to a gathering, Wear or carry something unusual to give people who find you delightful. We all love that one aunt who comes carrying sweets. “Oftentimes, people refer to it as the ‘warm glow,’ this intrinsic delight in doing something for someone else,” said Simon-Thomas, who studies the neuroscience and psychology of compassion, kindness, and gratitude. “But part of the uniqueness of the reward activation around gift-giving compared to something like receiving an award or winning money is that because it is social it also activates pathways in the brain that release oxytocin, which is a neuropeptide that signals trust, safety, and connection. It’s often referred to as the ‘cuddle hormone.’”

Never the naked city

Whenever someone asks you the inevitable,” Where are you from?” never, ever unfairly challenge their power of imagination with a one-word answer. Have some engaging facts about your hometown that your conversational partners can comment on. When they say something clever in their response to your bait, they think you’re a great conversationalist. However, you have to use different bait from shrimp to sharks.

Common-YOU- nication

Start every appropriate sentence with you. It immediately grabs your listener’s attention. It will get you a more positive response because it pushes the pride button and saves them from having to translate it into “me” terms. When you sprinkle You as liberally as salt and pepper throughout your conversation your listeners find it an irresistible spice.

Never the naked thank you

Never let the words Thank you stand alone. From A to Z always follow it with for. From ‘Thank you for asking’ to ‘Thank you for zipping me up’. This simply magnifies everything. Throw a few comments into your conversation that presupposes something positive about a person you’re talking with. But be careful. Don’t blow it like the well-maintenance man. Or the southern boy who, at a party, thought he was flattering his date when he told her, ” Gosh, for a fat gal you dance real good.”

Rubberneck the room

When you arrive at the gathering, stand dramatically at the doorway. Then slowly survey the situation. Let your eyes travel back and forth like a SWAT team ready in a heartbeat to wipe out anything that moves. This is for you to diagnose the situation you’re walking into. Take note of everything the lights, the color, the deco, the bar, and most importantly the faces. Listen to the sounds, the music, the buzz of the crowd, the clinking of the glasses. See who is talking to whom.

Empty their tanks

If you need information, let people have their entire say first. Wait patiently until their needle is empty and the last drop drips out and splashes on the cement. it helps you understand your audience and, thus, tailor your message to their needs and concerns. Let others talk about themselves first. Then, you’ll be able to sell yourself more naturally. If they are interested in what you have to offer, you can naturally transition into a pitch that interests them. A lot of times, a person will self-identify a need right after you talk about what you do.

By Tabbs

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