confidence in a girl

I switched to the guy who buried his share instead of taking the risk of investing or banking the pound. The boss set him up for the One Pound Challenge. He had a bunch of excuses, from having a bad boss who took what he had not sown to the fear of losing the minas. Meanwhile, his peers invested and got 100% profit out of it. Their reward was to rule over given cities and had specific responsibilities depending on their abilities and, I believe, even skills. In the end, the guy lost his pound to the best performer.

The parable of the talents clearly shows that habits shape our identity, and identity shapes habits. When wanting to change our behaviour, we focus on three layers. One, changing our outcome. Two, changing the process, and three, changing our identity (James, 2018)

The guy failed because behind every action, there is a system of beliefs and assumptions that shape the attitude, perception, identity, and response of a person. Keep in mind that identity change equals behavior change.

The Inertia Trap: Why We Bury Our Talents

Our guy chose to hide instead of generating more wealth, knowing the master demanded a profit. This is a representation of a lack of initiative and responsibility with the gifts, resources, and opportunities given. Well, we’ve all been there. We have a dream, a gift, an idea, a spark of inspiration, and then… nothing. We let it fade, burying it under layers of excuses and fear. Why?

The fear of looking foolish, of not being good enough, can paralyze us. But here’s the truth: failure is a part of the process. It’s how we learn and grow. Instead of fearing it, embrace it as a stepping stone. The boss would have been more supportive if the man had taken the risk to invest, even if he lost.

“I’ll do it tomorrow.” How many times have we said that? Procrastination is a master thief, stealing our time and potential. To break free, start small. Break down big tasks into manageable chunks. Even a tiny step is progress. In recent times, we have become lost and addicted to short videos. Our attention span lasts only six minutes, with a 90% urge to seek visual stimulation.

The excuse factory: “I don’t have time,” “I don’t have the skills,” “What if…?” Sound familiar? We’re all experts at making excuses. But these excuses are just comfort blankets, keeping us from reaching our full potential. They keep us enclosed in a room that the inner person wants to escape, but the known comfort seals the deal.

Activating Your Gifts: The One Pound Challenge

So, how do we break free? How do we take that single pound and turn it into something more?

We are not born with preset beliefs as every belief is learned and conditioned through identity. And every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. Don’t wait for the perfect moment. It doesn’t exist. Start now, even if it’s just a small step. Write that first sentence, make that phone call, sign up for that class. Just start moving.

Invest in yourself. Read, learn, seek mentors. Build new skills, challenge your limits, and embrace every opportunity to grow. The more you know, the more you can do. Growth isn’t a destination—it’s a lifelong journey. Keep pushing forward. Never stop evolving.

How can you use your talents to make a difference? Volunteer, help a friend, create something that benefits others. Giving back not only helps others but also brings immense fulfillment. Find someone to hold you accountable. Share your goals, your progress, your struggles. Having someone to cheer you on makes all the difference. Well, this is easier said than done.

Our story highlights an important principle: God expects growth and productivity from what He entrusts to us. Even a small effort toward using our talents, skills, or resources is better than doing nothing. Those who are faithful with their opportunities will receive even more, while those who waste or neglect them will ultimately lose what they have. It’s a reminder that our abilities, time, and blessings are not just for keeping—they are meant to be used, multiplied, and shared for God’s glory.

Ready to take the challenge? Here’s a simple action plan:

  • Identify Your “One Pound”: What talent, skill, or opportunity have you been neglecting? Write it down.
  • Set a Small, Achievable Goal: What’s one tiny step you can take today? Make it specific and achievable.
  • Find an Accountability Partner: Tell someone about your goal. Ask them to check in on you.
  • Track Your Progress: Keep a journal, use an app, or simply make a note of your progress. Celebrating small wins keeps you motivated.
  • Celebrate Your Wins: Acknowledge and reward yourself for your efforts. Even small victories deserve recognition.

We all have that “one pound” of potential within us. It’s up to us to decide what we do with it. Will we bury it in fear and excuses, or will we invest it and watch it grow?

By Tabbs