In June 25th, 2024, Kenya saw major protests led by Generation Z against the controversial Financial Bill 2024. These demonstrations were different, as they used technology and social media to mobilize and spread their message. Organized under hashtags like #OccupyParliament and #RejectFinanceBill2024, the protests reflected the frustration of young Kenyans with the proposed financial measures​ (Capital News)​​ (Kenya Insights)​.

Reasons for the Protests

Economic Impact: Protesters were primarily concerned about the economic burden the bill would impose. The Financial Bill 2024 proposed several new taxes on sanitary pads, cooking oil, mobile money services, and motor vehicles. These taxes were seen as unfairly affecting the youth and low-income earners. The 16% VAT on bread was especially contentious​ (Kenya Insights)​​ (Nation)​.

Youth Unemployment and Economic Strain: Many Gen Z demonstrators expressed frustration over high unemployment rates and economic instability in Kenya. They argued that additional taxes would worsen their financial struggles, making it harder to secure employment and meet basic needs​ (Capital News)​​ (Nation)​.

Government Accountability: The protests also highlighted broader issues of government accountability and transparency. Many young Kenyans felt their voices were not being heard by the political elite. The police’s heavy-handed response, including the use of tear gas and water cannons, further fueled their anger​ (Capital News)​​ (Capital News)​.

The Nature of the Protests

Unlike traditional protests, these demonstrations were peaceful and heavily relied on digital tools. Protesters used social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and TikTok to coordinate actions, share real-time updates, and amplify their message globally​ (Capital News)​​ (Nation)​.

The decentralized and leaderless structure of the protests made it difficult for authorities to suppress the movement effectively. This innovative approach allowed Gen Z to sustain momentum and keep public attention focused on their cause​ (Capital News)​.

Government Response and Future Implications

In response to the widespread protests, the government announced the removal of some of the bill’s most contentious provisions, such as the 16% VAT on bread and the tax on motor vehicles. However, the revised bill still faced significant opposition from both the public and political figures​ (Kenya Insights)​​ (Capital News)​.

These Gen Z-led protests have demonstrated a significant shift in civic engagement in Kenya, showcasing the power and influence of young people in shaping public policy. Their ability to mobilize quickly, use technology effectively, and maintain a unified stance under pressure highlights their potential to drive social and political change in the future​ (Nation)​.

These protests mark a critical moment in Kenya’s democratic process. They signal that the younger generation is not only aware of the issues affecting them but is also ready to take action to ensure their voices are heard and their interests are protected.

By Tabbs

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