God did not make us be alone nor walk through any circumstances by ourselves. It is not good to be isolated in thoughts nor live a day without laughter, this can lower our immunity. All the same personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in life begins. But before saying yes to a lifetime bond ‘marriage’ there are things, I believe God wants to give us.

The place:

In the beginning, God placed Adam in Eden. He was to thrive while taking care of his environment. God handed him a bunch of tasks to fulfill; in my opinion, this was to build a character, a sense of ownership, and a chance to be creative. All this before Eve. The same way we have been placed in families we had no chance to choose. We study in institutions landed out of probability and work in areas that we hope to change when the opportunity presents itself. We should not fight with the situation instead we ought to keep a positive vibe. Everyone in our environment has a role to play in building that character that will attract the right person. In this case, love will find you while writing your story. It sounds weird though true. You need not validate your place because there is a valid reason. At the right time, you will be placed where he/she is waiting.

Purpose & Identity:

After placing him in Eden, Adam was to take control over the plants and animals. He was to classify and brand them giving them identity, fulfilling part of his purpose. With our different desires, abilities, and skills we are meant to complement one another. Thus, your reason to be in his life is to supplement and be the catalyst. Further, self-identity defines our principles, likes, and dislikes. It answers Who am I? What triggers greatness in me? what company can I keep?… Identity brings order and peace in life eliminating doubt in the ideal today and tomorrow facilitating sound decisions. And to keep our identity and dignity we ought to have parameters. This helps define the standards of a relationship.

If you’ve got no standards before the relationship, it will create the standards that you will live by. People are hurt in relationships because of not living within the parameters of purity, accountability, honesty… Two people are better than one in everything…including making a mess. When two people get into a relationship without standards they create a hot mess.


Self-realization lights up the path to a specific goal/ career/ meeting our daily needs. I believe God wants us to have a source for our needs as well as facilitate our lifestyles. God wants us to go through life with ease, having our daily bread, peace, and enjoying the gift of life. Before the person, our dreams, desires should be viable. God gives us ideas which He funds for our livelihood. Before the person, we should be on the path to our destiny. we have to know what we want to do in life before saying yes.

By Tabbs

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